What is Glatt Kosher?

Eden Catering adheres not only to the strict guidelines of Kosher foods, but we also provide food that is Glatt kosher.  Glatt kosher means that there were absolutely no questions about the health of the animal at all.  Regular kosher meat comes from healthy animals, but in some instances there are certain lesions on the lung of the animal that are quite common and often form in reaction to a hole in the animal’s lung, which would render it un-kosher.

The law is that if these lesions come off easily then they are assumed to be benign and are not hiding a more severe lung injury. Such meat is kosher. However, Glatt (which means “smooth” in Yiddish) is meat from an animal that had no lesions on its lung at all, and thus no questions about the health of the animal’s lung at all. In addition, other organs are checked to be sure the animal is healthy all around.

We are certified Glatt Kosher by the ORB


What is Kosher Food?

Kosher food is food prepared in accordance with Jewish Dietary Laws. Jewish Dietary Laws are rules and regulations concerning food that are derived from Biblical laws and rabbinical extensions.

In their most “biblical” form, Jewish Dietary Laws state that Pork, rabbit, eagle, owl, catfish, sturgeon, and any shellfish, insect or reptile are non-kosher.  Other species of meat and fowl must be slaughtered in a certain manner to be kosher.  Meat and dairy products may not be made or consumed together.

Also, kosher food that is processed or cooked together with a non-kosher food, or any derivative of a non-kosher food, becomes non-kosher. For example, food coloring derived from a shellfish and used in a cake makes the cake non-kosher.

There is no such thing as “kosher-style” food.  Kosher is not a style of cooking. Chinese food can be kosher if it is prepared in accordance with Jewish law. However, many caterers may claim to provide “kosher style” food such as traditional Ashkenazic Jewish foods like knishes, bagels, blintzes, and matzah ball soup.  These foods can all be non-kosher if not prepared in accordance with Jewish law. When a restaurant or a caterer calls itself “kosher-style,” it usually means that it serves these traditional Jewish foods, and it almost invariably means that the food is not actually kosher.


No! At Eden Catering, we cater to all different organizations and groups, regardless of race, religion or ideology.  Some “health conscious” people may simply opt for Kosher catering as a more hygienic and healthy alternative to regular catering.  If you opt for kosher caterer, or more specifically a glatt kosher caterer (such as Eden Catering) for your wedding or other event, you will be assured that your food will adhere to some of strictest food supervision guidelines in the world.

Contact us 954-922-3344
Come visit us at 1400 N 46 Ave Hollywood FL 33021